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Discovering hidden attractions

The project Discovering hidden attractions is focused on developing a consolidated travel package for the border region between Albania and North Macedonia. Developing similar destination attractions in municipalities in the two countries, including tourism activities such as hiking, cycling and camping, as well as local experiences offered by local people, culminates in a joint cross-border travel package that inspires visitors to go beyond borders and explore hidden places that offer a unique two-country travel experience.

The project, funded by the EU under the CBC Programme MK-AL 2014–2020, with lead partner Demir Hisar Municipality, partner Klos Municipality, FLAG and Art Point-Gumno, is contributing towards developing the potential tourism of the CBC region by promoting its cultural heritages and values.

Visit Klos is an information website created in the framework of the project "Discovering Hidden Attractions", funded by the European Union. On this page you will find detailed information about the activities that can take place in the area of Klos. Tourists can see the accommodation available in the area, as well as the cultural and natural monuments that they can visit during their stay. This site was conceived and concepted by PR Expert Endrit Shima, contracted by FLAG in the framework of this project. For more information visit the website Visit Klos


December 2019–September 2021

Client: Demir Hisar Municipality
Financing agency: EC
Implementer: Demir Hisar Municipality, Klos Municipality, Art Point - Gumno, Flag