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Feasibility study for solid waste management in Vlora Region


The objective of the project was protection of the environment and the natural resources of the region of Vlora, mitigating the production of greenhouse gases, through the development of an integrated solid waste management concept for the service area around Vlora. The plan provides solutions to waste collection, recycling, treatment, transfer and disposal, and fees. As a second landfill is being designed for installation in the southern part of Vlora County, this project focused on the northern part of the county..


• Detailed site investigations undertaken to enable recommendation of a location for a landfill
• Extant legislation and project's area of influence reviewed, socio-economic data gathered, and scoping visits undertaken
• Environmental and social impact assessment undertaken
• Organisational and institutional concept developed
• Effective fee-collection service developed
• Comprehensive implementation concept developed
• Feasibility study report produced


January 2014–January 2015

Client: Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure
Financing agency: KfW
Implementer: Infrastruktur & Umwelt, Flag