Citizen participation and information policies
Recently, FLAG has been setting up, and strengthening where they already exist, local security councils in several Albanian municipalities. Establish One-Stop Shops in Albania's LGUs helped modernise public service delivery through setting up OSSs in several LGUs, and with Enhancing Good Governance through Improved Complaints Procedures in Mat Municipality these projects focused on improving communication procedures between citizens and their local government. Conduct Public Communication Campaigns for Three Selected Partner Municipalities facilitated public discussion between citizens and their LGU over municipal achievements since TAR, with public meetings arranged in Dibër, Klos and Mat. Flag implemented MATRA CoPROL in Albania, on behalf of VNG-International, as part of the Leadership Programme for Security and Rule of Law, also implemented in Serbia and Turkey, strengthening institutions in potential candidate countries to deal with public security, governance and rule of law. MATRA focused on perceptions of public security, governance and rule of law, and included workshops on survey questionnaires for the various stakeholders. Flag experts have been involved in delivering training or coaching countrywide to most Albanian LGUs. During Compass, Flag's core executive staff arranged delivery of 119 end-user courses throughout the country, training 2,581 local government officials and some civil society representatives, making best use of its network of experts. Flag's experience has also benefited local stakeholders in countries as far ranging as France, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovakia, Mongolia, Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia and Indonesia.
• Diber Local Security Council • Build capacities of Local Safety Councils • Effective and responsive safety and security policies at local level (Matra II) • Conduct public communication campaigns for three selected partner municipalities • Enhancing Good Governance through Improved Complaints Procedures in Mat Municipality • MATRA CoPROL Leadership Programme for Security and Rule of Law • Zadrim IMC Association 3-day study tour • Reinforcing Local and Regional Government Structures in Albania • Establish One-Stop Shops in Albania's LGUs • Integrated Informatics System for Management of the Activities of the LED Department, Korça Municipality • Promoting Active Citizenship at the Local Level in Albania and the FYR. of Macedonia • Modernisation of Municipal Services in Selected Partner Towns