Stimulate and support achievement of the most advanced standards in democratic and decentralised governance

Environment and waste management

Shortly after Flag was set up, its experts contributed to Feasibility Study: Management of Solid Waste in South-east Albania, the first of its kind in the country. Separately, Flag developed a regulation on urban waste management (adopted by at least 10 LGUs) and a manual on setting up a compost facility. This work has led to Flag implementing solid waste management projects in Berat, Korça and Vlora, while in 2015, Flag helped five Kosovo municipalities develop comprehensive waste management plans. In Korça the Foundation supported KRWM in its organisational and institutional development, while in Vlora it was part of the team that developed a feasibility study for a landfill for the area. Currently, it is implementing waste management projects in several Albanian towns and cities. Recently, Flag provided its expertise in a Sector Study for Integrated Solid Waste Management in Albania and Assessment of Solid Waste Management in the country, as well as in Pre-feasibility Study for SWM in Adjara, Georgia. Flag has implemented several other environmental projects, including one to prevent flooding in northern Albania. Rehabilitation of River Embankment in Dajç Bregu i Bunës installed a cycle path and two picnic areas by the River Buna in conjunction with the rehabilitation of the embankment, timely given the flooding of 2009-10. In 2014, Flag and Shkodra Municipality implemented a project for Environmental Tourism Development of River Buna and Lake Shkodra. Between 2005 and 2008, Flag provided crucial support to a Netherlands consortium in Providing Support to the Institute of Environment, facilitating the institute's transformation into an agency that represents Albania at the European Environmental Agency.


• Solid Waste Management Project South-East Albania (2nd Accompanying Measures Phase)
• Solid Waste Management Project in Berat Region
Berat RWMP press release
Berat RWMP
• Integrated Solid Waste Management Programme, Vlore
• Implementation of municipal SWM Plans in three partner municipalities
• Sector study for Integrated Solid Waste Management in Albania
• Drafting Municipal Solid Waste Management Plans, Kosovo
• Assessment of Solid Waste Management in Albania
• Environmental tourism development of River Buna and Lake Shkodra
• Feasibility study for solid waste management in Vlora Region
• Accompanying measures for project Solid Waste Management South-east Albania
• Rehabilitation of River Embankment in Dajç Bregu i Bunës, Shkodra
• Strengthening Albanian civil society organisations for an improved environment
• Providing support to the Institute of Environment
• Feasibility Study: Management of Solid Waste in South-east Albania