Regional development and European integration
EUSAIR case study of multi-level governance in Albania explored and analysed cross-policy co-ordination and multi-level governance mechanisms in Albania as they apply to the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR). For OECD, Flag also presented in Zhytomyr, Ukraine various IMC options for SWM. Core Development Dibër institutionally strengthened Dibër County Council for it to possess capacities to offer services targeting strategic priorities beyond single local units and to harmonise regional development policies guided by Albania's strategic framework and through creation of an enabling environment for EU integration. Technical assistance to support development of joint ADC/SDC regional development programme in northern Albania provided an overview on regional development and decentralisation strategies and challenges in northern Albania, identifying challenges and achievements for EU integration and the potential for joint cooperation.
• EUSAIR case study of multi-level governance in Albania • CORE Development Dibër • Technical assistance to support development of joint ADC/SDC regional development programme in northern Albania • Developing a SWOT analysis for Shkodra Qark • Donor Research in Albania